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来源: 互联网时间:2020-06-14 22:07:45


By reconstructing the industrial remains, could we reconcile with the past it represented, and bring our vision of what this site could be into its current life.

▼首钢三号高炉剖解图,sectional perspective of Blast Furnace NO.3 ©蘑菇云设计工作室





▼水下展厅地面入口,Entrance of Underwater Exhibition Hall, Blast Furnace NO.3 ©夏至

Originally stablished in 1919 under the regime of Republic of China , Shougang industrial park has reached its 100 years. As the storm of history propels, Shougang stood through up-and-downs during nationalization, the great leap, economic reform and industrial transformation. Entering the new century, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was a major push to assess public spaces and urban life in current context and the forthcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics led to another round of rethink of what this site could mean for this ever-growing city.

A massive 8.63 kilo-square meters, it is the biggest site ever going through an urban renewal. The density and scale of the industrial remains on site, such as the blast furnace, cooling tower, power plant etc, are equally monumental, both dimension wise and in symbolic sense. The turning of Shougang site into public space marks an important beginning, however while history progresses, it should never be rewritten. During the restoration and renovation of Blast Furnace NO.3 and Exhibition Hall D, the original structures were carefully conserved as cultural heritages, additional under ground spaces were thoughtfully put in, views created while visitors circle in the park, each designed to represent a page of important history of Shougang.

▼水下展厅及D馆平面图,Plan: Underwater Exhibition Hall and Exhibition Hall D ©蘑菇云设计工作室


Our vision for the underwater exhibition hall at Blast Furnace NO.3




▼水下展厅 百年功勋墙 首钢的百年历史在巨大的水下圆形长廊中循序展开,Underwater Exhibition Hall. The enclosure marks Shougang’s 100 years of meritorious ©夏至

Iron and fire. Our vision for the under water exhibition hall at Blast Furnace NO.3 translates the imagery of molten iron runs through the furnace, while in this scenario, a continuous run of red led light cutting though the space, connecting the center of the glass embraced atrium to the Pillar of Meritorious with a strong sense of direction. The body of exhibition hall was built with cast concrete and enclosure forming an passage around it was cladded with coarsely textured cement panels.

▼从百年功勋墙进入水下展厅,一条仿若钢水的灯带穿越整个参观路径,From the wall of meritorious to under ground exhibition hall. The red led light gives a strong sense of direction ©夏至

▼从甬道处望向水下展厅,室内光线的冷暖变化呈现出强烈的戏剧张力,From the passage to underground exhibition hall. Dramatic use of warm and cool lighting ©夏至

▼钢水缓缓流入地下圆形天井的水池,光影和四季变幻其中,一种近乎宗教仪式感的空间感受,Red led light as a metaphor of molten iron runs into the round pool ©夏至

▼圆型天井位于展厅空间正中,天井下方是和地面齐平的水池,远处的高炉天际线形成工业奇观场景,Canopy of the atrium frames the Blast Furnace, reflected in the pool ©夏至

▼水下展厅内部,远处炼钢意象画面成为展览空间的背景,Underwater exhibition hall. The pillar of Meritorious is visible though the glass from far ©夏至

▼水下展厅内部,以清水混凝土为主要材料,展现空间的纪念性和精神力,Underground exhibition hall. A display of smooth concrete, glass and steel ©夏至

▼钢水从甬道另一端的功勋柱中缓缓流出,贯穿了水下展厅和纪念空间之间的情感关系,Red led light as a metaphor of molten iron runs out from the pillar of meritorious ©夏至

▼功勋柱寓意和承载了首钢人的共同记忆,内部未来是环形LED屏幕,画面变化回应了不同的表达语境,The pillar of meritorious engraved with history of Shougang. Interior of the pillar is covered with led screen and mirror for immersive display of shougang history in motion ©夏至

▼功勋柱内部的反射顶面,镜像360度的完整画面,物理边界的模糊和穿透,The mirror surface inside the pillar of meritorious ©夏至

▼钢水在空间中的穿越,强烈的明暗对比及室内光线的多层次变化,共同呈现出连贯的影像化叙事,The strong contrast between brightness and darkness and the multi-layered change of light create a film like narrative ©夏至


Our vision for the exhibition hall D at Blast Furnace NO.3


‘Imagine being a piece of iron ore’


Plan: Exhibition hall D to the Blast Furnace No.3 ©蘑菇云设计工作室



Exhibition hall D is a preface to the blast furnace No.3. CCTN architects designed an ascending curved enclosure attached to furnace, supercloud, the interior team put an angled staircase climbing up in zigzag. Lumia, the lighting designers integrated warm light under and within the staircase to make it light and floating.

▼D馆入口,Entrance of Exhibition hall D ©夏至

▼D馆接待台,水泥齿槽板和钢板的运用,Reception, Exhibition hall D ©夏至

▼D馆钢梯,起坡时低伏蜿蜒的走势,Zig-zag steel staircase ©夏至

▼D馆小庭院,旧枕木及耐候钢板与自然环境的融合,View to the courtyard, Exhibition Hall D ©夏至

▼D馆小庭院,Courtyard at Exhibition Hall D ©夏至

▼D馆寄存处及转换空间,保留了部分原结构柱及风口,新旧的对撞与并置,Cloak room, Exhibition Hall D ©夏至

▼D馆寄存处,《银翼杀手》场景的首钢版本,内外温度的强对比,Cloak room, Exhibition Hall D ©夏至

▼钢梯两侧是孔径渐变的金属打孔板,背部打光,根据场景调节光线明暗,View from top of the staircase ©夏至

▼钢梯末端进入高炉本体,View from the staircase ©夏至

▼水下展厅及D馆平面图,Plan: Underwater Exhibition Hall and Exhibition Hall D ©蘑菇云设计工作室

▼水下展厅,甬道及功勋柱平面图,Underwater Exhibition Hall, the Passage, and the Pillar of Meritorious ©蘑菇云设计工作室

▼D馆平面图,Plan: Exhibition Hall D ©蘑菇云设计工作室

▼地下一层总平面图,B1 plan ©蘑菇云设计工作室

▼水下展厅通道立面图,Elevation: underwater exhibition hall ©蘑菇云设计工作室

设计公司: 蘑菇云设计工作室

位置: 北京 石景山区首钢园

类型: 城市更新 工业遗存改造

材料: 耐候钢板 金属打孔板 水泥漆 环氧基水泥地坪 枕木  

面积:4532 m2









室内标识(烁设计) :








